SAK4 S.COOP Urduliz (37 Dwellings and Annexed buildings)

Building of contemporary and unique homes, highly energy efficient houses Kareabi S.COOP. Urduliz, arquitectura pasiva.

The housing block is configured using the prevailing building type in the area (isolated multi-family buildings GF +3+attic), granting a certain degree of freedom in terms of volumetry and materiality.

The building maintains an intense relationship with its urban environment and surrounding natural space through specific work on its envelope consisting of modern volumetric play enabling the creation of a close relationship between interior and exterior while it grants the outer walls a unique, heterogeneous and dynamic design.

The natural light conditions of the promotion as a whole guide the resolution of this contemporary project, adopting solutions that make it possible to combine the rationality of the promotion with a high level of comfort in each of the dwellings.

The dwellings always have a double or cross orientation, which provides, in addition to greater sunshine, the benefit of optimal natural ventilation.

The verticality of the gaps and the stone aspect of the SATE give the building a marked urban character, although the combination of colour introduced in the balcony spaces using cladding elements and clothesline closures seeks to provide a more playful note.

The different ecodesign measures, complemented by passive principles in the residential envelope and active principles in air conditioning (geothermal and ventilation) results in houses offeringhigh energy efficiency.

Dibujo a mano alzada de vivienda-colectiva-SAK4
type:Collective housing
promoter:sak 4
surface:4.705 m²
jesús pulido
(implementation mgmt)
contractor:sarkis lagunketa
dates:2018 – under construction