EGAPEUrnieta School (new classroom building and gymnasium) – Modern school architecture, designed with sustainability criteria
IES Egape BHI Ikastola Public School School building designed with prefabricated systems, sustainability criteria and high energy efficiency.
The new EGAPE Urnieta Public School is located on a steeply sloping slope on the periphery of the current urban centre of Urnieta. It is a land adjacent to the playgrounds of the school centre existing today. The extension is integrated into the new urban fabric that will emerge with the next urban development of the municipality, focused mainly on residential expansion in this area called Babilonia.
Rational architecture of high durability with materials of tectonic character of low maintenance
The location of the new building aims to ensure an adequate resolution of the accesses in general, on the one hand the current ones (related to the pre-existing center), and on the other those of the planned access from the future Avenue-Boulevard of Babilonia, in the Northwest orientation..
It is important to emphasize the structural rationality of the building, particularly based on a modular grid, which allows the configuration of open spaces and greater flexibility of distribution. Consequently, the fit of the program is based on a rational, pragmatic and thoughtful distribution..
As for the volume, the building is resolved in three floors, with a main piece (classrooms) arranged to the north of the plot, which incorporates the teaching program in general (classrooms and common dependencies together with administration, communication spaces and general services). In addition, the building complex has a second piece with a more industrial character and sports use that incorporates the indoor court and the gym. Finally, the building has a central body that connects both volumes at the basement level. The roof of this central body basically constitutes the exterior access space at road level of the new urban planning planned for the Babylon area. In this sense, it fulfills the function of vertebral space between the two main bodies..
The high-performance façade solution consists mainly of prefabricated modules under fixed and serial measures to emphasize the volume of the building
Energy efficiency and sustainability
The choice of façade system as well as joinery and roof systems responds, in essence, to sustainability criteria in order to approach the goal of almost zero energy consumption NZEB.
En conclusión, el nuevo Colegio Público IES Egape BHI Ikastola se trata de un edificio aulario y gimnasio diseñado con criterios de eficiencia energética que cuenta con un importante papel en la nueva ordenación urbanística planeada para el municipio.

type: | Residential |
situation: | urnieta |
promoter: | barque government |
surface: | 3.761 m² |
team: | i2G jesús pulido (implementation mgmt) |
photographs: | i2G |
dates: | 2021 |